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27th October 2022

Spring is here! …And while things are looking nice weather-wise, the online world has been a bit dark and gloomy lately. There have been many people getting hacked and several high-profile data breaches such as Optus and Medibank Private. We frequently get asked by customers how we can better protect ourselves online. So in this email we have decided to write some tips for staying safe online.

This list is in not fully comprehensive, but is a good start.

Tip #6 If you are a customer of Optus and / or Medibank Private you will be well aware which one of your email addresses have been compromised. However, what about other data breaches that you may not know about? You can search an online database of data breaches and receive notifications to see what other email addresses have been compromised. The website is called Have I been Pwned (pronounced poned) and has an easy-to-use search tool to search for any email address that may have been compromised. Click the link

Tip #5 Always have backups and keep them current. If your computer encounters ransomware (where all your files are locked pending you paying a ransom to the scammer in the hundreds and possibly thousands of dollars), with a current backup you can restore your files and move on with minimal disruption.

Tip #4 Beware of Phishing attacks. Always, check the sending address for an email you have received if it is asking you to take some sort of action. A common one is an email from “Netflix” saying you need to secure your account with a link in the email and Netflix logo. It might not even look suspicious. However, if you check the sender address, which is this case is noreplfdfkgdshHFKj54dsfjjsdf@ you will soon see it is fake. Never reply, just delete the message.

Tip #3 Never let anyone you don’t know and trust remotely access your computer. Most scammers will say they are from Microsoft, Telstra, NBNCo, etc and they need to access your PC to “fix” something. Generally, these are “Tech Support Scams” and below is a great video that explains how they work. In short, you get a pop up window saying something is wrong with your PC and telling you to call a number. The number is a direct line to the scammers! From there the scammers will try and log onto your PC and try any number of different methods of taking your money under the guise of “tech support”. Take a look at the video below; the 6 minutes watching this video could save you thousands!

Tip #2 Use unique passwords. Creating unique combinations that feature long strings of characters is crucial. Consider mixing upper- and lower-case numbers, letters, and symbols — think “p*sSw%rd#33” instead of “password33,”. This is especially important for internet banking; make sure that your banking password is completely different to all others. That way if a data breach occurs and criminals get your details from one website, they can’t go over to your bank and use those same details.

Tip #1 Always have Antivirus and keep it updated. Don’t let it run out as then you are unprotected from new viruses and malware. We recommend Avast or Trend Micro for Antivirus and a dedicated Anti-malware program in Malware Bytes. We also recommend using 2 factor authentication where possible.

Contact us today on 0439 333 449 and let us solve your computer problems with our expert computer repairs and support services